Helpful Links
If you need help and do not know where to go, calling 2-1-1 is a good place to start.
Infoline: 2-1-1; Press 3, Press 1 to be connected with a housing specialist
Old Saybrook Youth and Family Services: (860) 395-3190 or www.oldsaybrookct.org
CT Housing Authorities List (by town): www.ct.gov
CT Housing Search: (877) 428-8844 or www.cthousingsearch.org
Westbrook Housing Authority: (860) 399-9835
Essex Housing Authority: (860) 767-4340
Elderly Housing Management: (203) 230-4809
HUD Connecticut: (860) 320-4800 or www.hud.gov/
The Connection: (855) Help-955
CTHousingSearch.org or (877) 428-8844 (A free list of housing in Connecticut by categories, including affordable rental housing in general, affordable housing that is accessible to people with disabilities or specifically for senior citizens, and market rate housing)
SocialServe.com or (877) 428-8844 (A toll-free call center for the general public to find affordable rental housingmaintains a bilingual toll-free call center)
AnEndinTen.org or (860) 346-8695 is an organization based in Middletown whose mission is to end homelessness in Middlesex County. Click or call if you need to find shelter.
Mortgage Foreclosure Assistance: (877) 472-8313
Single Family Housing Repair Loans & Grants (USDA): (860) 688-7725 ext. 4
Single Family Housing Loan Program (USDA): www.rd.usda.gov
Home Affordable Refinance Program: www.makinghomeaffordable.gov
Homeowner’s HOPE Hotline: (888) 995-HOPE
For Utility or Energy Assistance
Connecticut Department of Social Services Energy Assistance: (800) 842-1132
Connecticut Fair Housing Center: (800) 477-5737 x3403
To obtain legal help, call: (800) 453-3320 for free legal aid
for very low income people with noncriminal legal problems
Shoreline Basic Needs Taskforce
A collaboration of community groups and concerned people, working to affect change that increases self-sufficiency among vulnerable individuals and families in need along the Connecticut Shoreline. Visit on Facebook>>
Coined in 2009 by United Way of Northern New Jersey, the term ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) describes those Americans who live above the Federal Poverty Level (FPL) yet still find it difficult to make ends meet. Visit ALICE on Facebook>>