HOPE Homes
Build Communities
The Benefits of Affordable Housing Are Many
Not only does affordable workforce housing change the lives of its residents, the benefits are passed along to the community in significant ways. It revitalizes distressed neighborhoods and promotes economic and social integration while building community.
The Ferry Crossing development in Old Saybrook illustrates that a partnership among local government, non-profit housing developers, community leaders and private financial institutions can create an attractive, affordable housing development that not only serves residents, but are an asset to the broader community.
The Broader Benefits of Affordable Housing
In addition to helping residents, today’s affordable housing benefits the wider community in significant ways, including:
Providing housing for the local workforce, especially lower wage earners
Revitalizing distressed areas
Directing economic benefits to the local community, such as increased jobs and sales taxes
Promoting economic and social integration while building community

Give HOPE, Get Involved
For additional information or to speak with someone at HOPE about a potential project, contact Karla Lindquist:
karla@hope-ct.org or 860-388-9513